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funeral support

please note that the following information may not be correct owing to covid-19 guidelines. the myland church office or the churchwardens should be consulted for further information.


It is always sad when a loved one dies. That's perfectly natural, because of our separation from them; and everyone grieves in a unique way. For some of us, it may take some time to come to terms with bereavement; perhaps we will never get over it, but get better at dealing with it from day to day.


Planning the funeral

It would be a blessing for us to help with funeral arrangements, whether you intend to have a service in Church or perhaps at the Crematorium. The Village Church has been the gathering place for those who grieve, for over 800 years; and it doesn't matter at all whether there was any connection with the Church. We are here for you.


It is most usual to contact a Funeral Director first, and mention to them that you have a connection with the Village and would like the Vicar to take the service; they will contact us to agree a date and time when it is convenient for everyone. Our Vicar would then visit you to plan the service, answer any questions you may have and offer to help you and the family in any way.


The Churchyard

Our Churchyard is available for burials. Anyone who lives in the Parish at the time of death, or who dies in the Parish, has a legal right to be buried there. Similarly, ashes may be interred in the Churchyard - either in an existing family grave or a new area. There may be other circumstances where permission for burial can be granted, such as a long-standing family connection with the village; please check with our Vicar. The Chancellor of the Diocese has set rules for the management of Churchyards; we have summarised them here. 


Pastoral support

Our Vicar is a very experienced pastor, and is willing to support Parishioners and families at difficult times. Please know that you can contact him at any time for a discussion or visit.


May the Lord bless you as you live through the difficult days of bereavement.



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