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Visit us


Vinesse Road,

Little Horkesley

Essex CO6 4DB

We are pleased to say that the Church is open every single day of the year.
There's lots to see in the Church, and we are in a beautiful location next to Horkesley Hall. Do come and visit, and please sign the Visitors' Book!


Feel free to look around at the architecture and soak up the history - imagining the many generations of Christians who have worshipped with us over the last 800 years - and see the records of the rebuilding of the Church after its destruction by a wartime bomb in 1940.


We hope that you will also spend at least a short while in prayer or contemplation, perhaps in our Prayer Sanctuary. If you note down a topic in our Prayer Journal, we will indeed pray.

sunday services

We have at least two services each Sunday -

click here to see the regular pattern of services.

how to get here

Little Horkesley is to the east of Wormingford and to the north of West Bergholt.


If you are able to follow a SatNav to CO6 4DB, it should bring you to the Village.


If you are travelling north from Colchester, take the B1508 at the North Station, continue through West Bergholt and then take a right turn marked 'Great Horkesley', into Nayland Road. Turn left at the crossroads into Park Farm Road, which bends right into Vinesse Road. The Church is by Horkesley Hall, taking the first left turn after the 30mph sign.


If you are travelling from the Wormingford area, Little Horkesley is signposted from the B1508 - keep straight on where the road turns right - and follow the lane to the Village. You'll see the Church ahead of you as you approach. Go through the Village (School Lane) and turn right at the War Memorial, then next right into the drive.


If you are approaching from the A134, the village is signposted whether travelling from the north or south.


We look forward to seeing you!

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